Our expectation is that we serve in excellence. Obedience, commitment, dedication, resilience, sacrifice, and a spirit of love are essential in achieving this goal. As members of the Music Ministry, our number one goal is to prepare the house for the word of God. We sing songs that are spiritual and word-based. We offer praise and worship as a sweet-smelling savor unto God. We endeavor to lead the people of God into praise and worship while encouraging the Body of Christ to experience the presence of God spiritually and musically.
To become a member of the Music Ministry, you will be expected to pass a vocal audition for Providential Voices/Perpetual Praisers. Youth choir members are exempt from voice tests and auditions.
We are committed to:
Attend Worship Services Weekly
Attend Bible Institute Weekly
Attend The Hour of Power Weekly
Attend Ministry Outings
Ministry Leaders
Rev. Ronell Booker, President
Cassandra Jefferson, Vice President
Dr. Marlin Hunter, Minister of Music
Rita Leverett, Directress
1st Sunday
Perpetual Praise
(Praise Team)
2nd & 4th Sunday
Providential Voices
(Adult Choir)
3rd Sunday
Joyful Noise
(Youth Choir)
5th Sunday
Perpetual Praise
Providential Voices
Joyful Noise
(Mass Choir)
Joyful Noise
(Youth Choir Ages 5-17)
Providential Voices
(Adult Choir Ages 18+)
7:00 -8:30 PM
Perpetual Praise
(Praise Team Adults Only Ages 18+)
Designated Tuesday